01 June 2007

Is Councillor Greenhalgh losing it? Part two

Tory leader of Hammersmith & Fulham, Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh, admitted at the annual council meeting this week that he enjoys reading this blog.

His annual report touches on several of this blog's favourite subjects. Produced at the last minute under legal pressure, more than half the report is devoted to a personal attack on the previous administration. So much for forward thinking.

At the meeting itself Cllr Greenhalgh conceded that attempting to close Hurlingham & Chelsea secondary school was an error of judgement. We wait for his judgement on the equally disastrous primary schools strategy. Perhaps that's why he abolished the cabinet post for education.

Cllr Greenhalgh continued to assert that awarding Tory councillors an 18% pay rise (while making £34 million cuts in local services) was simply 'a clerical error' - despite the fact that he personally must have cleared the report at least three times before voting for it at February's budget meeting. He is obviously beginning to believe his own spin doctors.

At least he is consistent. Cllr Greenhalgh can be relied upon - in every speech he makes - to talk about his two other favourite subjects: his dad who works at Charing Cross hospital and his school which he left almost 25 years ago.

Under all the pressure Cllr Greenhalgh looks distinctly wobbly - he is clearly carrying a lot.

PS Hiding somewhere behind Cllr Greenhalgh at the meeting was Shaun Bailey, Tory candidate for Hammersmith. We are still waiting for news about his mysterious charity, My Generation.


Unknown said...

Another interesting post.

So, Mr BlogMaster, in all seriousness, how many people do you figure are reading this blog?

Half the council? All the council?

Your input and guesstimate would be interesting.

I'm not asking for the sake of asking .. let me know if you can.



MING said...

.. .ok .. well evidentally you do not have the answer; so we'd have to wait a bit to get the answer; in the mean time, you would be keeping your ears open I trust.


HFConwatch said...

Local residents as well.

Unknown said...

Local Residents are perfectly welcome, and indeed UK wide access. Especially, following the outburst by the now former PM in the house.

The local residents are very strangely silent; and this needs to be looked into.

Its not very hard to post something, and you can keep your identity secure by using an alternate email address and by not publishing your profile.

Please try out the above simple security measures on a test blog (which I might set up and let you know about) if you feel you want to post something in confidence.

You should not post cheeky things like Lillis is a duck, and Greenhalgh is fat etc ... this is not permitted, and to be sure, all of you would be periodically reminded (by me hopefully).

Otherwise, the Council is very open to complaints, suggestions, and requests for information (please see FOI provisions).

If you need more guidance regards how to access Council information and boost its ratings to 6 stars or more, please post "yes" for yes, or "no" for no as the case might be.

Or email me r96harris@yahoo.com


MING said...

Dear HFconwatch blogmeister,

since you would be at the protest, could you please note, just in case your protest brief is rather small, that in as far as the libraries are concerned :

1. The proposed charge to the library People's network computers is 5 times the cost the council pays for it

2. and that this matter has been concealed.

3. and the timetable for this has been brought forward (noticed appeared today, taking most stuff by surprise again - usual theme)

4. Please enquire at either of the reference libraries (hammersmith or fulham)

5. You can safely reject any idea that consultation on the above was properly carried out. There will be evidence for this.

Please include the in your protest brief, and please desiminate.



MING said...

Please also ensure you post and distribute publically available contact information, such as the ones given elsewhere in this blog (eg for Lillis) at the protest meeting.

Its only a suggestion. Therefore, do take it up.
