06 November 2006

Tories don't like it up them

When the going gets tough, the Tories get going. That's what seems to be happening in Hammersmith & Fulham. Clearly the Conservatives don't like it up them. Little did they realise a few weeks ago what a stink their massive cuts would create across the borough.

Having upset families with children and older people by announcing plans to close a secondary school and privatise the home help service, the Tories obviously weren't prepared for the response. So when parents and children attended a cabinet meeting to ask questions about the proposals, not only did the leader refuse to answer them but he stormed out closing a public meeting.

The council leader, Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh, may be a big boy. But he clearly can't cope with public opposition to his plans. Mr Blobby is getting very wobbly.

And he gets arch right winger Cllr Harry Phibbs to write stalinist letters to the local papers, inbetween his day job writing diary stories for the Evening Standard. Cllr Fibber is telling bigger whoppers every week. Meanwhile Greg Hands MP has gone strangely quiet - even he doesn't like it when his friends upset local people and they want Greg to sort it out.

The Tories will do anything to try and distract attention from the devastation caused by their cuts. This week pompous Cllr Greg Smith attacks the Law Centre for holding a debate on liberty and security. What irony!

This would all be very funny if it wasn't true. Fortunately the Tories in Hammersmith & Fulham are showing what would happen if the Conservatives ever got into national government. That's one lesson we can thank Mr Blobby for.

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