The Tory council in Hammersmith & Fulham trumpets the opening of a new French school on the site of Peterborough primary school which was closed earlier this year after more than a century of education in the south of the borough.
But it's not clear who the French school is for, who pays to go there, and why the council is using its PR machine to promote this new private school.
Contrary to what you say, the French Lycee is NOT a private school, it is a French state school. It is not just open to French kids and parents pay a fraction of what private schools charge. Please do try and get your facts right. Thank you.
facts have never got in the way of a story on this blog
Thanks for answering the questions - it is a fee paying school! So why is the council promoting this business?
It is NOT a business! It is a school. The low fees paid by parents are used to top up the teachers' pay because living in London costs them much more than it would if they lived in France.
contratry to xhat has been said, not even 2% of the French parents whose kids go to Fulham school are diplomats. Most French parents (80%?)would be British tax payers only a small minority being expats.
Well I don't know what percentage are British taxpayers but the school in general is very cosmopolitan and many of the children there have one French parent and one English one. It is ridiculous to portray it as a school which exclusively serves one community.
You protest too much - and without any idea why the council is supporting this private school. Has a list of parents/children and their origins been made public?!
Anyway, that is not the point - why did the council close a primary school in Fulham with over 100 years of educating local children and give the site to the French government to run a fee-paying school?
Dear hfconwatch, I know its hard, very hard for you to get your facts right..
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